construction industry undoubtedly plays a important role in the development
process of a country contributing towards social and economic growth. A
successful development leads the country to global and being recognize as a well known country where the
social and economic growth is beyond a non-develop country. Everything has its
pros and cons, therefore, such huge achievements have also contribute more
problems towards the safety issues in the construction industry. Statistics
have proven that construction industry has crowned the reputation of being one
of the highly hazardous industry due to its high fatality rates compare to
other industry.
Figure 1.
Number of fatal work injuries at United States, by industry sector, 2012.
According to
the Bureau of Labor Statistics that have been carry out by Department of Labor
in United States, approximately 4,383 fatal work injuries were recorded in the
United States in 2012. Although the rate of fatal work injuries has drop from a
revised count of 4.693 in 2011, the number of fatal work injuries in
construction industry remains the most worrying and dangerous sector in the United
States among the industry sectors.
Figure 2. Local occupational accidents
statistics by industry until August 2013.
According to Department of
Occupational Safety and Health(DOSH), although construction industry is not the
highest rate of accidents, however the death that happened in construction
industry is rank at second with the number of 36 death. Nonetheless, 9 victims
were found out with the permanent disability due to the accidents caused in
construction industry.
Figure 3.
SOCSO annual report reported local construction accident cases from 1993 to
Security Organization(SOSCO) has been record the annual construction accident
cases. The cases of accident occur at the construction site is surprisingly
high every year. Although the number of accident cases decrease from year 1996
to 1997, however, during year 1998, the number of accident cases at construction
site has been increase and it seems like the number has been remain at the same
level for 4 years.
Figure 4.
SOCSO annual report reported construction fatalities at local.
According to
record done by SOSCO, although the construction industry is not the highest
contributing industry towards the accident statistics in Malaysia, however, the
figure of construction fatalities during year 2000 is very high rate. With such
unpredictable figures collected by SOSCO in construction industry, both the
governmental and non-governmental organization have keep their attention and concerns
towards this issue.
According to
the Public Investment Bank report, an average of 10 fatalities at construction
sites has occurred at Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya in the past two years.
However, the figures were cut half from year 2010 (refer Figure 5), where 20
deaths were recorded that year. Although
this may seem as a positive news that the construction industry has tighten the
health and safety rules and regulation where it brings the result to minimize
the possible danger that the construction workers may face, there is still will
be a tragedy that cause by uncontrollable forces such as human error.
Figure 5. Fatal
accidents in construction at Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.
Figure 6.
Causes of fatal accidents at Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya in year 2012.
Figure 6
shows that out of the 10 fatal accidents in construction at Kuala Lumpur and
Putrajaya, 4 accidents were fall from height and 2 accidents were struck by
objects while 1 accident each for the accident such as struck by falling
objects, caught in between object, overexertion and others.
Figure 7.
Statistics for construction industry by accident type, 2006-2008.
falls is the most happen accident during the construction industry with the ratio
of quarter of the chart, followed by overexertion and struck by objects. The
carelessness of worker is the major cause of these accidents. Falls from high
rise building is deadly while 23% of the construction industry accident is
overexertion because construction work can be burdensome to both physical and
mental energy.